There is a common misconception that an IT department can only consist of either an internal IT Team or fully outsourcing to an IT partner. However, every business has varying IT needs depending on the size and complexity of their business. The misconception is that there is a COMPLEX and FAST transition from internal to external resources and back to an internal team once they have grown large enough.

However, several in-between phases exist to provide more effective and efficient use of resources and your budget as your business grows. This is where IT Done WITH You comes in. IT Done WITH You combines your business’s internal talent with an external team of technology experts.

The below diagram illustrates how a business can grow with a phased approach. The size of a company determines which phase makes the most sense. For example, you can start with an internal process, move to a combined Done WITH You approach, and perhaps, if you grow large enough, it may make sense to move back to a full team of internal resources once you have grown so large.

Your business may grow so rapidly that you and your employees no longer have time to spare trying to manage and maintain IT. Issues that arise could be hindering your business! Instead, it would help if you focus your time on more valuable revenue-generating activities beyond IT. At that point, it makes sense to partner with a Managed IT Service Provider. Let them oversee all IT management and planning, back-end monitoring, and utilize their team of tech-savvy employees for most help desk issues.

Generally, there is a more extended period of growth between around 10-150 employees where IT Done FOR You is the best fit for all IT management and strategic direction. However, as you approach the top end of that employee size, you may determine it makes sense to have a dedicated help desk technician internally who is readily available onsite at any time. At this point, your IT Partner can assist with determining the right resources for each duty and begin to modify your approach.

Finally, as your organization scales up from 150 to 300 employees, you may need to add more internal IT resources as onsite IT demands are required. At some point approaching 300 employees, you may determine the costs between Done WITH You IT and a full internal IT department to fully see if it makes sense to move back to dedicated internal resources.

Whatever your needs may be, deciding when to go from internal to external should not be a black and white gut feeling. Instead, all IT duties should be accounted for, inventoried, and the appropriate resources and budget assigned to each. First Call can help assist with lining out your plan and providing you the solution you are seeking.

Contact us today to connect with one of our Business Development Experts and find a solution that fits your needs!

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