The time to think “My business is too small for cyber-attacks” has passed. Cybercriminals are now increasingly targeting small to medium-sized businesses. This is due to the widely known fact that many SMBs do not prioritize their budget to include proper internet security. Basically, these businesses are sitting ducks and the hunters are taking aim.

But SMBs do not need to take out another loan in order to secure their network. Here are a few ways that any SMB can increase their cybersecurity without breaking the bank.

  1. Prioritize – It really is the first and most simple step. By simply prioritizing cybersecurity, an SMB can then make the right decisions to incorporate the need in their next annual budget. SMBs can go even further by asking themselves, “Is there certain data that would be disastrous if it was stolen?” If the answer is yes, then it is a good idea to prioritize securing that data first.
  2. Policies – Every business should have official rules and procedures for any work that affects the business’s network and data security. By establishing clear expectations managers will be able to enforce stronger cybersecurity at their SMB.
  3. Educate – Along with having clear policies and procedures, every business should conduct ongoing cybersecurity training for its employees. The training should discuss common phishing schemes, strong vs. poor passwords, and how to connect to a public Wi-Fi securely.

As Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The future depends on what we do in the present.” Don’t let your SMB continue to sit out in an open while cybercriminals take aim. Raise alarm and start protecting your business today!


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