Valley Bank of Kalispell

Valley Bank of Kalispell(VBK) was chartered in 1911 as the State Bank of Somers and was located in downtown Somers. In 1964, the charter was moved to our present location in Kalispell, and the name changed to Valley Bank of Kalispell.

The Bank still operates under the principles upon which it was founded. At Valley Bank of Kalispell, the belief is an independent, locally-owned community bank can best serve the Valley’s citizens and economy. VBK staff and management firmly believe in the products and services provided. It is the Bank’s objective to keep pace with technology while maintaining the personalized service that has been the foundation upon which the Bank was built.

VBK partners with First Call computer solutions for Helpdesk services, strategic IT planning, and budgeting; while aligning IT solutions with Industry best practices – Financial and Technical.

Industry: Financial
Company Size: 35+ Users
Location: Kalispell, MT


As will most independent, locally-owned community banks, adhering to the complex compliance regulation while operating on lean budgets is an everyday challenge for Valley Bank. Banks are held to a higher standard than nearly every other sector. Meeting these stricter rules and regulatory requirements does not mean you receive a discount. No, it usually means the rules will change because the World is changing and risks are evolving.



Complex Compliance Regulations


Working With Lean Budgets


Valley Bank has partnered with First Call for Managed IT Services since late 2016. Our first big project together was making a change to a new core banking system. This came along with a network and Server core conversion. Over the years, there are have many changes to the way Banking is done and many changes to the way IT enables Valley Bank to deliver better Banking.

“First Call Computer Solutions’ IT Managed Services have allowed Valley Bank of Kalispell focus on what it does best… Banking.”

Brad Kelsey

VP/Commercial & Consumer Lending, Valley Bank of Kalispell


A great partnership, where Valley Bank can focus on their expertise and First Call, can make sure they deliver on their Business objective.







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