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The True Repercussions of a System Outage

The True Repercussions of a System Outage

The Scale and Impact of System Outages One of the most disturbing things about Friday’s devastating global outage of IT systems is how routine such ruinous events have become. Similar glitches from companies like Inc. have temporarily shut down systems...


Safeguarding Montana Banks: The importance of Cybersecurity 

In today's increasingly digital world, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated, especially for financial institutions such as banks. Montana, with its vibrant banking sector and a growing reliance on technology, must recognize the crucial role that...

Safeguarding Montana Banks: The importance of Cybersecurity 

Safeguarding Montana Banks: The importance of Cybersecurity 

In today's increasingly digital world, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated, especially for financial institutions such as banks. Montana, with its vibrant banking sector and a growing reliance on technology, must recognize the crucial role that...

Managed IT

Find the right IT Partner

In today's technology-driven world, organizations cannot afford to not have an IT team supporting their business operations. As a result, the role of information technology (IT) has become increasingly critical function for businesses of all sizes and across all...

Raise Your Expectations – IT is in a New Era

Blog Written by Conor Smith, CEO of First CallFor 20 + years, I've been guiding companies and helping them implement IT. The expectations of business leaders have evolved. The short version looks like this:Accounting needs a computer.Get a few more of those...

5 Signs You Need Co-Managed IT

  Done WITH You IT is designed for companies that already have internal IT and would like to keep it that way. It's intended for savvy folks that want to leverage the years of experience and mature tools that an outside company can provide while maintaining the...

This Superpower Could Have Made Your Digital Transition Easier.

This Superpower Could Have Made Your Digital Transition Easier.

When our beautiful state of Montana issued the first stay-at-home directive in March 2020 due to COVID-19, there was a mad dash to figure out what this meant for employees and their ability to continue to do their job. But unfortunately, it came to light that many...

Co-Managed IT

5 Signs You Need a New Help Desk

While many of the additional consulting/advisement roles are essential, the primary reason folks look for outside IT services is for the Help Desk! Where do you go when things are broken? Who do you turn to when that critical piece of software isn't producing the...

How to Choose the Right Printer for Your Business

You're about to read the most exciting and interesting blog of the year. Hang on tight. This one's a doozy! How to pick a printer! Okay… so maybe my enthusiasm is a bit much for something that puts ink on paper. When I told my colleagues that I was writing a blog on...

Everything You Think You Know About Teams is Wrong.

Everything You Think You Know About Teams is Wrong.

Well, probably not, but you may find a few common misperceptions here that could change your strategic planning for your company's technology platform over the next decade.The adoption and implementation of Microsoft Teams® can be an operational game-changer for...

There’s No “I” in Teams!

There’s No “I” in Teams!

Implementing Microsoft Teams is one of those things that can be easy to screw up and a pain in the hinny to fix. The tool's abilities are deep and wide, and its effects on your organization can be substantial. Hence, it is crucial to take the time to plan for your...

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